29 November 2007

Fringe Kink

Fabulous expression. Try it, toss it around. For example:

Grey Cup half-time show butt cleavage, like OMG that's so fringe kink.

Don't get any funky ideas, the butt cleaveage was Lenny's not mine, and there were multiple glimpses into the cavernous depths of the BC. Gratuitous really. Not a big fan of the big C upfront, behind or down low in the toes (perhaps the most offensive.)

Getting back to the root of the expression, courtesy of the Globe and Mail http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20071129.wlgenex29/EmailBNStory/lifeFamily/home:
"What men love is a "lack of embarrassment for any body you have," a fiftysomething Romeo explains. "If you're wearing a tent, it means you are ashamed." Instead, wear body-conscious clothes. Channel the European woman who is elegant and bien dans sa peau. It's a refined cougarishness, minus the claws."

Keep the claws, they're so fringe kink! But ditch the over-the-hill romance novel covergramp. He's killing your fringe kink vibe.

Here's the last word on the word of the week. I'm recently into football, the American kind, not footie, after going to a few Patriot's games. Seeing as I am casting my net northward, I thought I would reconnect with my compatriots and watch the CFL namely the Grey Cup. I tuned in to see, hundreds of women screaming for the "roughriders." Now that's fringe kink.

11 November 2007

Renewing my web presence

It's been a while since my last post. Four months to be exact, but who's counting ;) I think I felt a little overexposed; like all my bits were on display. So, I fashioned a cyber blanket out of the accumulating spam, crawled underneath and hybernated away from the blogosphere. My hibernation isn't quite over yet. I've decided to lumber around with the blanket wrapped tightly around my shoulders for a little while before discarding it completely.

In the mean time, I have several happy little countdowns to help pass the time:
1. 5 days to the end of my rotation
2. 7 days to my last set of travel vaccines under the watchful eye of the UHS nurse
3. 8 days until I visit my family Thunder Bay
4. 19 days until I write Step 2
5. 20 days until I move out of Boston for good!