04 January 2007

First Day as a Blawger

A new year a new set of resolutions. Four days in and so far so good. What are they you ask? That's only for me to know. Although one involves not procrasting, which I'm already failing miserably at (uh-hem, blog writing isn't homework last I checked.) Alas, I am human. I resolved to change that too. I'll keep you posted on my progress. Well, as long as I keep up with my resolution to stay better connected with my bezzies. Like, I said, I'm off to a smashing start so no need to worry.

PS I also resolved to find inner peace . . . world peace . . . peace of mind and . . . a piece of cake . . . mmm is anyone else hungry?


Eh-choo mui mui. said...

i need to know your resolutions.

Unknown said...

i think US News and World Report listed starting a blog as one of the 50 things to do in 2007. so you can check that one of the list!

Karen said...

Welcome to blog-dom! And yes, I've been equally guilty about being horrible at staying in touch with people.

But cake sounds good...you know I'm always up for food ^__~