28 December 2007

Tucked, tight. Kill the hill!

I recently went cross country with some friends in the Bay o' Thunder. One is a killer down hill skiier, the other a never skiier, and me a Jackrabbits alumna. Fun abounded. The first crash by the never skiier was spectacular. Careening down her first hill at a whopping 1km/h, she became clausterphobic of the tracks and aborted the mission. Skis like chopsticks in a piping hot bowl of tangled noodle legs.

Style points: 10
Crowd applause: 9.5
Recovery: spectacular

The killer down hill skiier was also wierded out by the tracks. Who knew two ruts in the snow could be so threatening? Anyway, she freestyled -a combo of classic and skate - the whole way and snapped pix. Very impressed. Sadly no photographic record of the never skiier crash. Very disappointed.

Style points: 10
Pix: Still waiting . . . Grrrrrr ;)

24 December 2007

Rotten little apple core

My macintosh has a rotten core. Or should I say had a rotten core. A few good seeds were successfully extracted from the crunchy inner workings leaving only a facade of wholesome goodness. Needless to say, I was devasted.

When I received the new variety of apple to replace my mac, I hoped to feel like a middle-aged man trading in his faded dumpy wife for the excitement of a sleeker, younger, sexier model. Turns out I'm all hot and bothered by the expensive tastes of my new friend and not so wowed by the prospect of glamming up the reorganization of my world.

02 December 2007

20 + 1

No, it's not my birthday, but yes, that would be my age if it were. 20 + 1 signifies the extra day in Boston given to me by Delta Airlines via an "Act of God." Otherwise known as a snowfall in New York city.

It's sad that a snowfall is only considered a godly event when it disrupts air travel. I'd rather attribute the spirtual connection to the wonderous beauty and power of nature. Not as a means for an airline to squeeze you for some extra cash. They don't cover "Acts of God" - how could they possibly intervene on divine will? - only engine trouble.

In spite of this desecration of the divine, miracles still abound: a few extra hours with friends, a chance to relish a final moment in my old apartment, time for pause and a Monday morning to FedEx a bizillion boxes of stuff to Canada. Maybe it was an "Act of God" afterall.