09 March 2007

Four wives and a funeral

My whole family, and by that I mean a few dozen people, went to my father’s village in Eastern Region of Ghana for his funeral. It’s a three day affair with many many rules to be followed, numerous clothing changes and a lot of hand shaking, music and dancing. The whole thing was overwhelming and my grief was lost in duty to the family. I just want a chance to mourn, quietly, without adornment.


Karen said...

I'm sorry to hear about your father's passing. I was actually really shocked when I read about it. I really don't think there's anything I can say that won't sound trite, but you and your family are in my thoughts. I hope you did get some time on your own to grieve in your own way, in your own time.

I know the circumstances of your trip back to Ghana are awful, but I hope you get some time to contemplate, and even enjoy the place where you were born, and the family you don't often get to see.


Eh-choo mui mui. said...

hi naana -

sorry, haven't been blogging lately.
across-the-atlantic-SE-direction-type -of-hug.

i'll see you soon, okay?